Get Back In The Game
Kathryn Corsico
Woodbury, CT
Osteochondritis Dissecans

I have been an athlete all my life. When I was 14 I injured my knee sliding indoors during softball practice. After this I was in constant pain walking and my knee began to give out. After going to three doctors, I was finally properly diagnosed a year later. My previous surgeon, however, did an incorrect surgery for a person my age. This led us to HSS where Dr. Marx was an expert on my condition.
I had an OCD legion in my knee; this meant that the weight bearing bone in my knee was dying because the blood supply was cut off. Dr. Marx told me his surgical plan, which would hopefully restore blood flow and allow new bone to grow, but this was not a guarantee. If the surgery failed I would have to have another procedure, which would most likely result in me being unable to play sports again. I received an MRI to ensure my cartilage was good enough for surgery and then we proceeded with Dr. Marx’s plan. After seven weeks on crunches non-weight bearing and physical therapy I was walking without pain five months later for the first time in two years. Seven months after the surgery a follow up visit confirmed that the surgery had been a success. After three years of not playing I was finally able to return to my favorite sport basketball for my last high school season where I received all tournament at the International Schools Sports Tournament. I am now a freshman attending Aberdeen University where I play basketball on their First Team.
Without Dr. Marx’s procedure I never would have been able to return to sports. Thank you for giving me the chance to finish my high school career and begin a college one.